Former Grissom Air Force Base (BRAC 1991)

Peru, Indiana
Total Acreage: 1,322 Acres
Closed: September 1994
Google Map

Local Redevelopment Authority

Miami County Economic Development Authority
1525 West Hoosier Blvd
Peru, IN 46970
Phone: (765) 689-0159 

Administrative Record

Administrative Record and Document Archive

Information Materials

Fact Sheets:

Enhanced Bioremediation (English and Spanish) - PDF, 164 kb
Excavation (English and Spanish) - PDF, 217 kb
Groundwater Monitoring Wells - PDF, 241 kb
Monitored Natural Attenuation (English and Spanish) - PDF, 650 kb 


  1. Community Relations Plan for the Eastern BRAC Bases [pdf/739kb]
  2. Former Grissom Air Force Base Community Relations Plan, Appendix G [pdf/595kb]