The goal of the Mission Sustainment Program is to protect mission capability by identifying and assessing hazards that impact Department of Air Force (DAF) missions. Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 90-20 and Air Force Instruction (AFI) 90-2001, Mission Sustainment, establish a risk reporting process for cross-functional teams at the installation, Major Command, and headquarters levels. These teams in collaboration with SAF/IEIM utilize risk assessment tools to evaluate current and potential mission hazards, develop controls, and elevate issues as needed to ensure resilience and mission success.


The Mission Sustainment Program preserves mission capabilities by integrating DAF resources in a forward-looking communication framework for risk identification, assessment, and reporting.


Protecting the mission today and in the future.Mission Sustainment Risk Management Process includes identifying and assessing hazards, developing and implementing controls, and evaluation


  • Identify hazards
  • Assess the probability and severity of mission impacts (risk assessment)
  • Implement controls to reduce, mitigate, eliminate, or prevent risk

Mission Sustainment Process

The Mission Sustainment Program supports the DAF in identifying and assessing hazards that include actual or potential conditions that degrade, or potentially degrade, military testing, training, or other operational capabilities. Hazards can occur within or outside the installation and include the following categories: Airspace, Climate/Weather, Energy, Land/Sea, Natural/Cultural Resources, Spectrum, and Water. The figure above shows the risk management process.


Hazard Categories include Airspace, Water, Spectrum, Climate/Weather, Energy, Land/Sea, and Natural/Cultural Resources


The Mission Sustainment Program addresses several hazard areas, defined below. The DAF works with diverse stakeholders to address current or potential hazards that extends beyond the fenceline. Example hazards and controls can be found in AFI 90-2001.

Airspace: Vertical obstructions, airspace congestion, bird/wildlife aircraft strike, unauthorized airspace access, and light interference. 

Land/Sea: Incompatible development around airfield/installation boundaries, airborne noise, incompatible development near remote facilities, impacts to installation ingress/egress.

Spectrum: Physical interference with spectrum utilization, reduced in-band utilization, or degradation from adjacent band activity. 

Water: Impeded installation water supply or quality, changes in water access rights, reduced back-up water supply.

Energy: Insufficient energy supply for DAF assets, unsustainable energy stores, reduced reliability of energy supply or infrastructure.

Climate/Weather: Susceptibility to drought, flooding, wildland fires, ecosystem disruption, severe weather, or change in disease vectors. 

Natural/Cultural Resources: Loss or destruction of natural/cultural resources, pollution/contamination or hazardous material management practices that result in operational changes.


Risk Management

The DAF uses a Risk Assessment Matrix, established in AFI 90-802, Risk Management to calculate the severity (impact) and probability (frequency) of identified hazards. This framework supports the DAF’s analysis of hazards and how to address any impacts to the military inside and outside the fenceline.


Risk Assessment Matrix using probability and severity to identify level of risk


Energy Siting

SAF/IEIM monitors and supports coordination of energy siting projects filed with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). SAF/IEIM works with the Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse (Clearinghouse) to review proposed energy projects by assessing the potential adverse impact(s) that the proposed project may have on operations and readiness. SAF/IEIM forms a mitigation response team comprised of the energy developer and other stakeholders to determine mitigation options for all identified projects which present adverse mission impacts. The authority of the Clearinghouse is defined in 10 U.S.C. 183(a)

The Military Aviation and Installation Assurance Siting Clearinghouse

  • Single point of entry into DoD for energy project reviews
  • Energy projects filed with the FAA
  • Energy project reviews when requested by States, localities, other federal agencies, etc.
  • Reviews the project with Military Department(s) to determine mission compatibility
  • Oversees mitigation negotiations

Learn more about the Clearinghouse, here

Contact OptionS

Contact Us

Mailing Address:

1665 Air Force Pentagon
Washington DC 20330-1665

E-Mail:  saf.iei.encroachment@us.af.mil