About the Resilience Integration Directorate

To meet the ever-evolving challenges facing the enterprise, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure (SAF/IEE) stood up the Resilience Integration program to enhance the Department of the Air Force’s ability to integrate resilience, sustainability, and sustainment activities.

The Resilience Integration program tackles challenges to natural and built infrastructure, energy, cyber, and response and facilitates stakeholder coordination across SAF/IEE and its federal, state, and Department of the Air Force partners to enable more efficient, effective, and strategic outcomes.

                                                 Resilience Integration Directorate Logo - A Pentagon with sides Built & Natural Infrastructure, Energy, and Cyber & Response

Resilience Integration is focused on integration across the following activities:

Resilience: Activities that support operational adaptability through risk management and are agnostic of hazards, threats, and technological solutions, and yield benefits in the near, mid, and long-term from avoided disruptions, impacts, and costs.

Sustainability: Activities that contribute to resilient outcomes in the mid and long-term by making resource management more efficient and effective. For example, reducing fossil fuel dependency strengthens long-term mission assurance by reducing pricing and supply uncertainty and mitigating climate impacts.

Sustainment: Activities that support enduring logistics for operations in the near-term. These activities should account for resilience and sustainability to improve outcomes in the mid and long-term.

                                           A venn diagram of the components of mission assurance which includes sustainability, sustainment, and resilience


Image of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure Nancy J. Balkus
Ms. Nancy J. Balkus
Deputy Assistant Secretary
Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure

Resilience Integration Directorate Logo - A Pentagon with sides Built & Natural Infrastructure, Energy, and Cyber & Response