The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Environment, Safety, and Infrastructure (SAF/IEE) is responsible for all matters pertaining to Air Force built and natural infrastructure, environment, safety, occupational health, radiation safety and radioactive materials management interests.
SAF/IEE sustains the Air Force as a ready and robust force and preserves America's investment in the Air Force by integrating the best in environment, safety, occupational health, and installation practices into all Air Force activities.
SAF/IEE provides strategic direction, policy and oversight in:
Energy: Installation energy, innovation, policy development and water resource management
Environment: Environmental compliance, restoration and natural/cultural resource management
Infrastructure: Real property, MILCON, facilities (includes GOV-owned housing/general officer quarter management) and utilities
Occupational Health
Safety (excludes flight and weapons)
Resilience Integration: Resilience, Sustainability, and Sustainment