Vehicle Usage
Only about 15 percent of the energy from the fuel you put in your tank gets used to move your car
down the road or run useful accessories, such as air conditioning. The rest of the energy is lost to
engine and driveline inefficiencies and idling. Therefore, the potential to improve fuel efficiency with
advanced technologies is enormous.
Top 5 Tips to Protect the Power In Your Vehicle
In the Office
Thirty percent. That’s the amount of energy the average commercial building wastes. If you’ve never
done anything to save energy at your building, chances are you have a lot of room to improve. In
fact, it’s often possible to reduce energy use by 10 percent with little or no cost.
Top 5 Energy Tips for the Office
In the Dorm
Some Airmen may think that while living in the dorm, they would have little opportunity to make a
impact on an installation’s energy bill. To the contrary, daily habits of each dorm resident
impact energy usage more than one would think. Collectively residents doing simple things to
protect the power can equate to huge savings. For example, Dorm 1346 of Osan Air Base, Korea,
was able to save $52,000 in energy costs during a nine-month Energy Consumption Reduction
Competition hosted by the 51st Civil Engineer Squadron. Members fostered an energy awareness
culture, which included the five simple tips below.
Top 5 Energy Tips for the Dorm