Travis AFB seeks developer interest in solar energy opportunity Published May 31, 2012 By Air Force Real Property Agency Public Affairs Office AFRPA / PA SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- The Air Force Real Property Agency and the 60th Air Mobility Wing are hosting an Industry Day on June 5, 2012, for parties interested in developing solar power projects on 202 acres of land at Travis AFB, Calif, as part of the Air Force Enhanced Use Lease Program. The event, which will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn at Fairfield, Calif., will feature Air Force leadership discussing the specific solar development opportunities, the EUL program and processes, and proposal requirements. Three parcels of land are available for potential projects and will be presented at the Industry Day: A 68-acre covered landfill A 70-acre waste-water treatment site A 64-acre Rapid Runway Repair site Project planners estimate the sites could generate up to 30 megawatts of solar power. The available land offers key features that make a solar project successful: plenty of sun on a parcel adjacent to existing power transmission lines. AFRPA acquires, manages and disposes of Air Force-controlled real property worldwide. The agency manages the EUL program to collaborate with industry to create income streams for the Air Force while contributing to local economic development and encouraging development of renewable energy. To register for the Industry Day, please visit and for more information, please contact the Air Force Real Property Agency at (866) 725-7617.