Air Force Real Property Agency applauded for literally going the extra mile Published Dec. 7, 2011 By Air Force Real Property Agency AFRPA / PA - -- 12/7/2011 - Sacramento, Calif Foggy, gray weather didn't keep the Sacramento community from coming out to celebrate the finish of a major road project here. But unlike most road projects, this one runs right through a former Air Force base. The 1.9 million dollar, two-lane road, outfitted with a new traffic signal, passes through the former Mather Air Force Base and marks another milestone in the ongoing redevelopment at Mather. The Air Force Real Property Agency was key to this project. Community officials at the ceremony applauded Air Force Real Property agents for literally going the extra mile to extend the road. Air Force real estate and environmental experts contributed by negotiating easements and altering the road alignment to protect environmentally-sensitive vernal pools and landfill compliance wells located on the property. Mayor City of Rancho Cordova Robert McGarvey said, "The restoration advisory board was so helpful in giving us an eye over what was being done. When there was something that needed to be cleaned up it was cleaned up. I was really so pleased to see the Air Force was is able to work with us and continues to work with us on getting this base as a useful piece of property." Today, the Zinfandel Drive project is complete, opening more than 100 acres of Mather property to redevelopment and providing better access to recreational facilities such as Mather Regional Park and Mather Golf Course. And to Sacramento the project means more than access, County officials say the developed property will support over 300 permanent jobs.