Construction project near March ARB to create jobs, enhance Air Force Mission Published Oct. 27, 2011 By Air Force Real Property Agency AFRPA / PA SAN ANTONIO, TX -- A key construction project at March Air Reserve Base will create hundreds of jobs during the holiday season in Riverside County and help combat the area's 15 percent unemployment rate. The California Transportation Commission earmarked $10 million to improve the Interstate 215/Van Buren Blvd. Interchange in Moreno Valley, Calif., which borders March ARB. Working with the CTC and the March Joint Powers Authority, the Air Force Real Property Agency and the Air Force Reserve Command executed a perpetual easement that will allow construction to begin. The easement proposal was approved by the State of California Sept. 15. "Meeting this critical schedule preserved the $10 million commitment from CTC," said Lori Stone, executive director of the March Joint Powers Authority. "We should have the construction bid awarded by early December, in time to get some of our construction folks back to work around the holidays. This is terrific news considering our 15 percent unemployment rate in Riverside County." According to county estimates, the project is expected to create more than 300 jobs related to construction labor and materials, and nearly 1,000 indirect jobs through increased spending by hired labor and productivity gains resulting from the improved highway, said Stone. Once construction is complete, traffic flow around the base should improve and the Van Buren Bridge near the airfield will be lowered, increasing the clearance height and improving March ARB's continuing ability to fulfill its mission in the air. AFRPA acquires, manages and disposes of Air Force-controlled real property worldwide. The agency's Real Estate Transaction Division serves as the Air Force real property transactional experts, providing support and value to the Air Force's real estate domain, the warfighters, their families, and taxpayers.