Air Force leaders develop strategic view on fuels Published Jan. 9, 2007 WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Air Force leaders from major commands met here recently to discuss the service's strategic viewpoint on fuel conservation.As the Department of Defense's greatest fuel consumer, the Air Force must examine every aspect of fuel consumption while maintaining its core competencies and power-projection capabilities, said Col. Anne Dunlap, Air Force Conduct Air, Space and Cyber Operations core team leader at the Pentagon."Secretary of the Air Force Michael W. Wynne asked us to focus on fuel savings within Air Force operations," she said. "All the major commands gathered to examine multiple aspects of fuel-savings potential, such as simulation, aircraft training, logistics efficiencies, scheduling, acquisition and technology developments and flying operations."The group used Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st century techniques during the event, looking at the Air Force vision for fuels efficiency, goals for air operations and barriers to success to build a game plan for how to best conserve fuel efficiently and effectively.Colonel Dunlap said AFSO 21, which standardizes work practices to eliminate waste, works best when it is used continually to improve processes."Certainly, Air Force fuel conservation awareness must filter down to the lowest organizational level," Colonel Dunlap said, "and become part of every Airman's daily activities. " She said Airmen of all ranks can submit their ideas to conserve fuel by sending an e-mail to"The team's vision states it best -- aircraft are extremely expensive to operate. Fuel is a vital national resource and the Air Force is committed to save every ounce without degrading overall effectiveness or readiness," she said.