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  • Optimize aviation fuel? The Air Force wants your ideas

    In partnership with AFWERX, Air Force Operational Energy has launched an Airmen Powered by Innovation Challenge to solicit ideas on how to optimize aviation fuel for the Air Force, enabling greater combat capability, range, and more efficient operations. The challenge is open to Airmen of all ranks

  • Rapidly deployed digital tool advances energy in wargaming effort

    In a shortened timeline of 12 weeks, engineers from OSD's Cost Assessment and Evaluation Program (CAPE) augmented the modeling and simulation tool SWIFT (Standard Wargame Integration Facilitation Toolkit) to play the first joint wargame focused solely on energy and fuel logistics, the Joint Forces

  • Vertical wiper blades reduce aircraft drag, tests show

    Aerodynamics testing on the KC-135 Stratotanker confirmed vertically mounted wiper blades reduce aircraft drag by approximately 1 percent during cruise conditions, potentially saving the Air Force $7 million annually in associated fuel costs.(Photo: U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory and Southwest

  • Setting the foundation for an energy-optimized and lethal Air Force

    As 2020 approaches and the Air Force prepares to take on the challenges of the next decade, we must also review our successes and lessons learned. For Air Force Operational Energy, 2019 was a year for laying the foundation to build a more optimized and lethal force in the years to come. By