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  • Optimize aviation fuel? The Air Force wants your ideas

    In partnership with AFWERX, Air Force Operational Energy has launched an Airmen Powered by Innovation Challenge to solicit ideas on how to optimize aviation fuel for the Air Force, enabling greater combat capability, range, and more efficient operations. The challenge is open to Airmen of all ranks

  • Air Force Chief Data Office Announces First Datathon

    The Department of the Air Force (DAF) Chief Data Office (SAF/CO) unveiled plans to host a series of Datathons—events aimed at solving critical DAF challenges by using data. For the first Datathon, SAF/CO is teaming with AFWERX and the USAF-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial

  • Rapidly deployed digital tool advances energy in wargaming effort

    In a shortened timeline of 12 weeks, engineers from OSD's Cost Assessment and Evaluation Program (CAPE) augmented the modeling and simulation tool SWIFT (Standard Wargame Integration Facilitation Toolkit) to play the first joint wargame focused solely on energy and fuel logistics, the Joint Forces