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  • The Air Force is analyzing operational efficiency – one airframe at a time

    Have you ever wondered if the Air Force is flying as efficiently as possible? Well, you’re not alone…and there’s a task force to find out. The Energy Analysis Task Force (EATF), led by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Air Force Operational Energy, has been systematically visiting Air Force bases

  • Demonstration results in policy update and optimized operations

    Thanks to an optimization initiative led by Air Force Operational Energy (SAF/IEN), F-35 and F-22 fighter sorties are now requested to fly closer to the fighters' maximum range airspeed, while still within tanker boom limits, during Coronet missions. The faster speed decreases overall fuel

  • Air Force helps incorporate operational energy into wargaming

    Some insights drawn from the fast paced, short duration Global Engagement 2018 Capstone Event, which took place at Schofield Barracks in July, are likely to have near-term, tactical-level impacts that may improve Air Force’s airbase resiliency efforts. Following its completion, Air Force Operational