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  • Air Force Enhanced Use Lease Industry Forum, Nov. 8, 2007

    Event OverviewNote: The Air Force Enhanced Use Lease Industry Forum was held Nov. 8-9, 2007 in Dallas, Texas.  This page contains materials presented during this event.  The Air Force is seeking business partners to finance, construct, renovate and manage various development projects at Air Force

  • Arkansas

    Affected BRAC 2005 Locations Fort Smith Air Guard StationLittle Rock Air Force Base Fort Smith Air Guard StationThe Air National Guard is responsible for Fort Smith Air Guard Station (AGS), AR. Realign Fort Smith AGS through the following actions: 1. Distribute the 15 F-16 aircraft assigned to the


    Affected BRAC 2005 Locations Air Force Research Lab, Mesa CityDavis-Monthan Air Force BaseLuke Air Force BasePhoenix Sky Harbor IAP Air Guard StationTucson IAP Air Guard Station Air Force Research Lab, Mesa CityClose Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Mesa City.  Air Force Material Command is responsible


    Affected BRAC 2005 Locations Eielson Air Force BaseElmendorf Air Force BaseGalena Forward Operating Location (FOL)Kulis Air Guard Station Eielson Air Force BasePacific Air Forces (PACAF) is responsible for Eielson AFB, AK. Realign Eielson through the following actions: 1. Distribute the 354th


    Affected BRAC 2005 Locations Birmingham International Airport Air Guard StationMaxwell Air Force BaseDannelly Field Air Guard Station Birmingham International Airport Air Guard StationRealign Birmingham Armed Forces Reserve Center, Birmingham, AL, by relocating Detachment 1,450th Military Police

  • Air Force Real Estate Policy Documents

    FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYCurrent as of 02 May 2005Acquiring Real Property Acquisition Fundamentals Military Construction on Leased Land - 3 Aug 2001 Land Acquisition and Leasing of Office Space in the United States - 17 Nov 2002 Congressional Notification New

  • Air Force BRAC Success Stories

    Closing an Air Force base is more than just relocating aircraft, lowering the flag and locking the gate. The Air Force is responsible for ensuring that environmental responsibilities are met and that the property is made available for reuse as efficiently and quickly as possible. This is the mission

  • Air Force Real Property Agency

    OUR MISSION To acquire, dispose and manage all Air Force-controlled real property worldwide. WHO WE ARE The Air Force Real Property Agency (AFRPA) is the Air Force agency responsible for acquiring and disposing of Air Force-controlled real property worldwide. AFRPA also manages property transfer and