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    Affected BRAC 2005 Locations Eastern W.Va. Regional Airport - Sheppard Air Guard StationYeager Airport Air Guard StationEastern W.Va. Regional Airport - Sheppard Air Guard StationNo BRAC actions.Yeager Airport Air Guard StationNo BRAC actions.

  • Logistics Phone Listing

    Mr. Mark Van Gilst Director of Logistics & Transformation DSN 222-9090 / Comm (703) 692-9090 Lt. Col Willie Holt Chief, Depot Operations & Strategic PlanningDSN 223-2185 / Comm (703) 693-2185  Ms. Candy JonesChief, Weapon System Depot Integration DSN 225-6716 / Comm (703) 695-6716

  • Air Force BRAC Success Stories

    Closing an Air Force base is more than just relocating aircraft, lowering the flag and locking the gate. The Air Force is responsible for ensuring that environmental responsibilities are met and that the property is made available for reuse as efficiently and quickly as possible. This is the mission

  • Air Force Real Property Agency

    OUR MISSION To acquire, dispose and manage all Air Force-controlled real property worldwide. WHO WE ARE The Air Force Real Property Agency (AFRPA) is the Air Force agency responsible for acquiring and disposing of Air Force-controlled real property worldwide. AFRPA also manages property transfer and